Wild Dog Fence


The Wild Dog Fence, or the Vermin Proof Fence, was the name given to a fence that ran from Swan Hill to the South Australian border. It was erected in stages in the 1880s in the hope of reducing the rabbit population which was destroying grazing and cropping in the Mallee. The fence was also erected to keep out wild dogs, but never proved to be successful.

It passed through the Northern end of the Buloke Shire, turning south and running east at Curyo and Kinnabulla then turning west to the S.A border. Over the years, the fence has deteriorated, however, evidence of it remains in several places.

The fence was erected to the original specifications by the Birchip Historical Society. The large mesh netting and the barb and plain wire are from the original fence.

Find out more about the history of the Vermin Proof Fence