What’s on ?
Annual Events & Celebrations
Community Lunches at the Shamrock hosted by Neighbourhood House & Birchip Conference of St Vincent de Paul Australia Day Breakfast in the Park - January 26th
Annual Quiz Night hosted by the Birchip Tennis and Cricket Club - Feb/March Mali Heart Street Art Festival-Saturday of March Long Weekend
Birchip Harness Mallee Bull Cup Meeting - Sunday of March Long Weekend
Birchip P-12 School Fete - March
Flatter than the Flatlands Hang Gliding Competition - Easter Weekend
Birchip Golf Club Tournament - July
Mallee Root Round-Up - 3rd Weekend In October -
Birchip Hospital Flower Show - October
Rampage-Youth Group FReeZA - October
Birchip P-12 School Art Show - Melbourne Cup Weekend biennially on even years Santa’s Winter Wonderland - At the Birchip Neighbourhood House in December
Birchip Community Christmas Party - December
Other events and community celebrations are hosted by the local sporting clubs, community groups, School, BCG, Birchip Forum, Birchip Playgroup and the Birchip Neighbourhood House throughout the year.
Follow Birchip Page on Facebook for further details on local events. Facebook Page →